Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting
Are you tired of having lifeless eyebrows? Did you color your hair and now have different color eyebrows? Well eyebrow tinting is the solution to your problems. In only 15 min, you can give life to your dull or mismatched eyebrows the perfect shade. This is also a great solution to those greys that are creeping in. This treatment should only be done by a Professional Esthetician.

If you’re looking to give your lashes the mascara look without actually having to wear it then you really need to get your lashes tinted. Tinting the eyelashes lasts anywhere from 3 – 4 weeks. It’s great for the avid swimmer or for us individuals that just don’t like that extra gunk on our lashes and mascara smudges under our eyes. This is also a great solution to those greys that are creeping in. This treatment should only be done by a Professional Esthetician.

Eyelash Tinting: $20.00
Eyebrow Tinting: $10.00
Both: $25.00